The sixth WCLV Jubilation - the Elizabeth Stuart Church Choir Festival took place at the Cathedral of St. John in downtown Cleveland on Thursday, May 9, and Friday, May 10, 2013, and was broadcast live by WCLV. We're pleased to make each choir's performance available for you to listen to again.
0:00:00 St. Casimir Parish (Neff Road), Cleveland - Rita Cyvas-Kliorys, Director
0:20:05 The Ensemble of The Federated Church of Chagrin Falls - Amanda Powell, Director (Pictured. First Prize Winner.)
0:39:45 The Church of the Gesu, University Heights - Dr. Joseph Metzinger, Director
1:03:42 St. Hilary Catholic Parish, Fairlawn - Carissa Young, Director
1:24:41 St. Sebastian Catholic Parish, Akron – Lynn Frey-Steward, Director
1:43:36 Suffield United Church of Christ, Mogadore – David Baughman, Director