Here are (almost) all the haiku we received. They are in no particular order because...2020.
Wuhan spikes blew in
Fauci taught and fought in vain
Vaccination time!
-Gail Hoover
Order a Corona?
Think twice about that next time!
Lose your sense of taste?
-Brad Coffey
A cold thinks I have
poultice; solstice virus? Gads!
Hopeful vernal thoughts
-Brenda C. Owens-Ryder
Too much suffering,
Isolated, fearful, death
Dark World, Soon be light
-Caroline Kozsey
Oh twenty-twenty,
You taxed my sense of being.
Twenty-one brings hope.
-Lawrence H Fram
Of all we have lost
This a cold comfort remains
We cast you away!
-Patrick Acurio
Before you come in
Read updated symptom list
"Cannot write poems"
-Rosemary Ludway
My muse is ailing
Another COVID victim
Quick! Call an artist!
-Rosemary Ludway
Covid’s been a blast.
Twenty-twenty’s gone at last.
Stop sitting on your-
-Eugene Heard
If Rip Van Winkle
Could sleep so long, just wake me
When Covid’s over
A reason for joy
“Alexander Hamilton”
Amazing, thrilling
Twenty twenty came
And taught us Zoom was a verb
What else have we learned?
Anthony Fauci
Showed intelligent caring
Our nation’s hero
Anthony Fauci
Inoculated Santa
And saved our Christmas
In a year this grim
We wore masks on our faces
And smiled with our eyes
So sad for people
Sick, hungry, homeless, jobless
What a dreadful year
Disinfectant wipes
Toilet paper, masks, sourdough
Old people store hours
Missing hugs, kisses
Grandson, daughters and travel
Give me the vaccine!
Happy, happy news
A joyous marriage and a
New life together
-Tamara Pendleton
Orders were: stay home
All preconceptions be gone
-John Koenig
Bright starlike flowers
Shine by what was once a home,
Traces of a trail.
-R.E. Monroe
New Year is coming.
2021. Hindsight
is 2020.
-Laurelle Palmer
Opening the doors,
At midnight release the woes,
A gentle New Year.
-Karen Broeckel
A sad, bad, mad year
Glad to say goodbye to you
You are history
-Janice H.
So, "This too will pass"
I would like that notarized,
Making it legit
-Vondell Petry
Terrible headlines
Bad news day in and day out
Wave the year goodbye
-Adrienne Yost Hart
All that we’ve endured!
On Thanksgiving, no in-laws.
So it’s not all bad.
-John Bertschler
Theatres are closed
Concert and Dance halls silent
Streaming saves the day.
-Steven Pastor
Oh, how thrilled I'll be,
When this year has gone and past,
And healing begins.
-Haley Reash-Henz
face-first in wet snow
the inflatable Santa:
it's 20-20!
-Ann Lee
kicking to the curb
the year two thousand twenty
--a Hogmanay toast
("Hogmanay" is Scottish for old year's night celebrating the end of the year and the new year beginning)
-Nancy Brady
What no one will miss,
The year we’ll never forget.
WCLV has kept us sane.
A return to normalcy,
WCLV kept us sane,
Welcome 2021.
-David Ritchey
A year of the worst
In people, and of the hope
We’re all clinging to.
Staying up to watch
The ball drop to make sure this
Year actually ends.
Making peace with Zoom,
But I hope to goodness to
Never use again.
The year makes quite a
Dramatic exit; let’s hope
The next is calmer.
-Sara Phillips
I’ll make you a deal
‘bout this year you can’t refuse:
-John Dober
The shot is ouchy
but Dr. Fauci said "Yes."
So shall I....I guess.
-Martha Blachly-Cross
If you made it through
without mental health issues,
something's wrong with you.
-Steve Jones
Twenty twenty ends.
Breathe a big sigh of relief.
Hope next year’s better
-Ralph Higgins
Covid in the air.
I see a way out of this.
Rocket ship prepared.
-Marvin Mullins
I’m knitting a lot.
“Don’t cut what you can untie!”
This year? Cut it off!
-Gretchen Hallerberg
The year of the rat
Our annus horribilis
Good riddance to it!
-Margaret Bradford
As Yoda might quip
Good riddance twenty-twenty
Miss you we will not!
-Ken and Di Makar
A virus rampant
Politics unusual
Good will to all, please!
-S. Joshua Mendel
archaeologists dig up
ancient Clorox Wipes
-Barb Wilberg