Let's talk about race. A poll taken by the Washington Post and ABC News just prior to the start of the two political conventions last year revealed that pessism about race relations was at its highest point in nearly a generation. A poll taken by the Pew Research Center after the election found that nearly half of those surveyed didn't see race relations improving under the Trump administration. Will race continue to divide us?
Information Mentioned On-Air:
- “Dialogue on Diversity” with Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, Ph.D, and CWRU President Barbara Snyder
- Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017,
- 4:30 p.m.
- Iris S. and Bert L. Wolstein Research Building Auditorium
- 2103 Cornell Road
- Case Western Reserve University
Beverly Daniel Tatum, Ph.D., Author, Race Scholar, Former President of Spelman College