Akron is experiencing what a policy study describes as a "troubling decline in economic health." We'll talk to the Greater Ohio Policy Center and the Knight Foundation about the report and what needs to be done to help move Akron forward. The Centers for Disease Control says Americans nationwide aren't getting enough sleep. We'll talk to the city's top sleep doctors about the need to make sleep a priority and not hit snooze on the message that adequate sleep is crucial for good health.
Resources for more information:
Be Well Health Unit Reporting: Sleep
Be Well Special: Sleep, A Wake Up Call
Lavea Brachman, Executive Director, Greater Ohio Policy Center
Kyle Kutuchief, Program Director, Akron, Knight Foundation
Dr. Dennis Auckley, MD, Assoc. Dir. Div. of Pulmonary, Critical Care/Sleep Medicine, MetroHealth
Dr. Charles Bae, MD, Cleveland Clinic Sleep Disorders Center
Dr. Kingman Strohl, MD, Program Director, Sleep Medicine, UH Case Medical Center
Karen Kasler, Statehouse News Bureau Chief