All around us people are filling out brackets in a buzzer-beating frenzy. This is the week offices everywhere turn into casinos. Beware the Ides of March Madness. It can make workers take their eye off the ball. Parts of Cuyahoga County resemble a dry lake bed. People are moving out, often times to neighboring counties. Join Regina Brett and talk about workplace distractions and Cuyahoga County's human ebb tide Friday on The Sound of Ideas.Shrinkage - Mark Rosentraub, Dean, CSU Levin College Urban Affairs; Paul Oyaski, Cuyahoga County planning director. Office Madness - Sandy Piderit, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, CWRU Weatherhead School of Management; Kevin Eikenberry, Eikenberry & Associates, management consultant; Ken Kowalski, law prof. CSU Marshall College of Law