To Michigan now... The city of flint will get an extra two million dollars to help replace its old, lead water pipes. The deteriorating pipes contributed to the contamination of the city's drinking water supply. The grant money is coming from the state's distressed cities fund.
People living in flint have been making do with bottled water for months. And those bottles can pile up fast. Saturday, the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Flint helped the media company, Comcast take in water bottles, provide information about recycling and hand out water. More recycling events are being planned for the coming months.
Let's hear from you! Most cities and towns have recycling programs. Recycling is the process of collecting materials that would otherwise be thrown away -- and turning them into new products. It's a big responsibility that helps the environment.
So we want to know: In your home, what do you recycle? You'll have a lot of options this week, so read carefully and pick all that apply to you. Now you can choose from: paper, plastic, glass and aluminum... Or maybe you recycle all of the above or none of the above.
After you vote, write in! Maybe you have a cool recycling program in your classroom, school, or community -- write to us and let us know so we can share your ideas. We'll show those letters on our next episode.
Instructional Links
Website Article & Activities: Environmental Educational for Kids, Recycling and Beyond
PDF: EEK Teacher Pages, Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
Website Article: Make-Stuff, Recycling Crafts Projects