We've got an update now on a story we told you about all the way back in September during our second episode. Remember that lawsuit over photo rights -- between a photographer and a monkey?
A federal judge ruled that a monkey who took a series of selfies cannot own the images' copyright. The judge ruled that the Copyright Act does not extend to animals.
The photo in question was taken in 2011 of six-year-old, Naruto. An animal activist group claimed since the photographer didn't actually take the picture, he should have no claim on the image.
The judge also said Congress could determine whether to extend the copyright act to include animals. Until then PETA, the animal rights group, says they will continue to fight for the monkey's rights.
Instructional Links
Website Articles & Videos: Ultimate Guide to Copyright for Students
Interactive Tutorial: INFOhio, Go! Ask, Act, Achieve
Interactive Website & Videos: Copyright in a Copy Paste World