Great Lakes Theater
“Little Shop of Horrors,” the beloved comedy musical featuring an infamous carnivorous plant, is now playing at the Hanna Theatre in Cleveland’s Playhouse Square. Enjoy the camp and familiar tunes like “Suddenly, Seymour” in the Great Lakes Theater production, showing now through Oct. 9.
Beck Center for the Arts
“Buyer & Cellar” is a one-man show with Scott Esposito playing six characters. As the protagonist, he is Alex More, a struggling actor working for Barbara Streisand. He also plays the superstar herself in “Buyer & Cellar,” on stage through Oct. 9 at the Beck Center for the Arts in Lakewood.
LatinUs Theater
The Columbian play “La Siempreviva” is about a law student who disappears during the takeover of the Justice Palace in Bogata by the M19 terrorist group in 1985. The play explores how this all affects peoples’ lives. The production is in Spanish with English subtitles until Oct. 9 at the LatinUs Blackbox Theater inside the Pivot Center in Cleveland’s Clark-Fulton neighborhood.
Chagrin Valley Little Theatre
“Dracula” haunts audiences in this adaptation of Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel. Director Mason Stewart calls it a “PG-13 thriller,” but audiences shouldn’t expect too much gore. “Dracula” is on stage at Chagrin Valley Little Theatre in Chagrin Falls through Oct. 1.
Fine Arts Association
Young performers take the stage in “13,” a musical following a teen navigating a move from the city to a small town, his parents’ divorce and coming of age with his bar mitzvah. This Yarnell Youth Theatre Company Production plays through Oct. 2 at the Fine Arts Association in Willoughby.
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