Walk into almost any corner store and you'll find the cost of a bottle of soda is likely less than a bottle of water. It's a strange conundrum that speaks to the economic conditions that create challenges for so many communities. The simple fact of this price difference has an impact on public health, for instance, but the price of soda is not an anomaly. Just as soft drinks are more accessible than bottled water, the unhealthy food options available in many challenged neighborhoods are often easier to access than fresh produce, for instance, or just about any other more healthy alternative.
Kevin Jones
Scholar, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Humanities Center at Cuyahoga Community College
Basheer Jones
Councilman, Ward 7, City of Cleveland
Anna Thornton Matos
MPH, REACH Project Manager, Prevention Research Center for Healthy Neighborhoods (PRCHN), Case Western Reserve University
Francis Mills, MA
Director, Community Health Initiatives, Cleveland Office of Minority Health - Healthy Cleveland
Brent Wesley
CEO & Founder, Akron Honey Company