DEYO: "What has come about is they dropped all the charges, we dropped some charges we had, and the deer get to stay here. The deer and the raccoons get to live here the rest of their lives, with the agreement that I take in no more wild animals -- which I wouldn’t do anyway because you have to have limits on everything you do, you can’t take in too many. And it was a very wonderful agreement here at Christmastime. I’m just elated over the whole thing, to tell you the truth."
INGLES: "This is kind of what you wanted to begin with, isn’t it?"
DEYO: "It’s exactly what I wanted to begin with."
Deyo says she has the deer because she was nursing them back to health following injuries. Deyo is a former veterinary technician. She keeps the deer, along with a raccoon, in her fenced-in back yard.