The plan is to create so-called "Impact Units". Cuyahoga County Sheriff Bob Reid says the idea is to offer temporary additional police power to any force that asks - to aid in investigations or surveillance, to stem a criminal outbreak, even for traffic enforcement in high problem areas.
Reid and County Executive Ed Fitzgerald introduced the idea to area chiefs... stressing that this is NOT the County telling a town how to use its officers.
"You know your jurisdictions... you know what your community's all about... We would be there for assistance to you - You would tell us how you would want our deputies placed strategically throughout your community."
Each Impact Unit would be 8-10 deputies who would work alongside local cops, and stay on a typical assignment about ten days before being rotated to the next request.
Hiring is underway, and Fitzgerald says the half million dollar price tag for this year --- and the million each for 2012 and Thirteen --- will cost the towns 'nothing'.
"We're not looking for a financial commitment from the cities. This is something that we are going to be funding out of savings and efficiencies that we have gained out of our own budget."
….which brought smiles to the chiefs, several quickly endorsing the plan.
Bedford Police Chief Greg Duber called it an 'exciting idea'... while Assistant Police Chief Jim Franey of South Euclid dismissed the possibility that townspeople might question their own department's need for help as a deficiency.
"People won't be afraid if they see more police cars, sheriff's cars in their community. I think it gives them more of a feeling of security..."
Sheriff Reid asked the police chiefs to help fine tune the plan, and says he would like to have the impact units up and running, by September.
Rick Jackson, 90.3.