It's a tough, tough day for long time Chrysler stalwarts like Phil Axelrod, whose dealership has been a fixture on Brookpark Road in Parma for more than 20 years.
PHIL AXELROD: "It is a bit of a shock. We have run a successful company here; we've made money, we've sold a lot of cars, taken care of a lot of customers…"
But no more.
His customers, when there are any, can only kick the tires of late model used cars. He can fix their Chryslers - but their warranties are no good here.
By his own description - Phil Axlerod is bitter.
AXLEROD: "In dealing with a financially bankrupt company, run by incompetent management, through the orchestrations of a morally bankrupt administration, we are losing our business and our livelihoods, putting a lot of people on the street."
Rows of gleaming new Chrysler inventory have been replaced by used cares of various makes. One third of the salespeople are gone.
And out front, the Chrysler name is covered by a sign reading `DELCO AUTO PARTS'.
AXLEROD: "Chrysler has requested that we take all of the signs down. We have most of them down now and the rest will be down within a day or so."
He hopes to hang on until late fall - when his new franchise cars arrive.
You've likely never heard of the brand.
AXLEROD: "It's coming in from India; called Mahindra. It's diesel-powered sport utilities and pickups, from a great company, a multi-billion dollar company that's been making vehicles in India for 65 years… It's not something that we wanted to do - we were forced to do this."