While the issues of small city government probably haven't changed that much in four years, the shadow of a federal trial hang over this race. A federal judge found that Euclid's ward system violated the Voting Rights Act and diluted the African American vote. Mayor Cervenik and Council President Ed Gudenas openly differed on how to handle the federal investigation and subsequent trial. Gudenas refused to admit any wrongdoing by the city and refused to settle the case, choosing instead to fight it in court. Cervenik said if the city could have avoided the 600,000 dollars in lawyers' fees if they settled early on. In the end, the judge ordered Euclid to redraw its voting districts.
Cervenik now says the case has harmed the city.
Bill Cervenik: The real price tag I feel we may have paid is sending a message out to the middle class African American families, the middle class white families that Euclid is not a place you wanna be.
In the final days of campaigning, both candidates agree that repairing Euclid's image is a priority. And, they're not far apart on what it will take to lift the struggling inner ring suburb: both say improvements in safety, housing, and economic development, are key. Cervenik says he wants to put more police officers on the street and jump start lagging retail like the Euclid Square Mall. Gudenas has similar goals, and argues that Cervenik lacks the vision and people skills to pull it off.
Ed Gudenas: I am much more inclusive in getting people involved and working with my fellow council members. And at the end of the day eight out of the nine council members endorse are endorsing my election here.
If Gudenas is leaning on council support, Cervenik is hoping to benefit from Governor Ted Strickland's backing. Observers say the race is too close to call.
Tasha Flournoy, 90.3.