Landowners contend Campbell's administration plotted to use eminent domain to take their property years prior to the port authority's involvement.
Stephen O'Bryan represents the owners of K&O parking lot in the Flats. He questioned if Campbell could recall specific meeting dates with Wolstein in 2002 and public hearings in 2005 on lakefront development plans.
But, Campbell testified that she couldn't remember any specific dates or years.
Jane Campbell: I don't have my calendar. I can't give you date on any of these matters.
O'Bryan argued that the city chose to use eminent domain solely for the development project, not public good or economic benefit.
Campbell told O'Bryan that the port was best suited to pursue the eminent domain claim because of its experience with intergovernmental projects and economic development. She says eminent domain was an option to use as a last resort.
Jane Campbell: The decision to use the Port Authority was not related to the eminent domain as the main driver as you are presenting it. And, your questions are presenting as if that was the whole analysis, which it was not.
Judge John E. Corrigan is expected to hear testimony from developer Scott Wolstein in the coming weeks. Tasha Flournoy, 90.3.