The latest news on health care including Trump's forthcoming exec order and a preview of the radio show, Hidden Brain.
The only person ever cured of AIDS and the search for a widespread cure & we'll hear the history of mental health.
Major challenges ahead for 240,000 Ohioans enrolled in Affordable Care Act.
The '10 Million Steps to Prevent Falls' campaign.
Though elderly and disabled people make up only 12 percent of Medicaid recipients, they receive nearly half the funds.
The latest movements on the Senate Health Care Bill and how it could impact Ohioans. Then, how to slow Asian carp.
At the MetroHealth annual meeting, officials discussed the new campus transformation slated to open in 2022.
How the president's budget plan affect Ohioans, and what the process of joining the military entails.
We'll talk about Ohio's nursing home inspector shortage, meet Cleveland's new Councilman and learn about Lemonade Day.
African Americans have made significant gains in life expectancy and the overall death rate dropped by 25-percent.