The Ohio Supreme Court will decide the fate of Toledo’s only abortion clinic – and potentially that of all eight of Ohio’s clinics, which have been the targets of a series of laws passed in the last decade. Statehouse correspondent Jo Ingles reports.
The state’s report cards are out – with mixed grades for Ohio’s public school districts, and bad ones for most of its charter schools. Ohio has executed Gary Otte, who becomes the second convicted killer with a three-drug mixture that was first tried in July.
An issue on this fall's ballot could be the most expensive ballot issue in Ohio history. Already the vote yes side has spent $4 million in advertising, but the vote no side has spent around $20 million. And a new ad onslaught is ahead. Matt Borges is a veteran Republican operative and the former chair of the Ohio Republican Party, and he’s representing Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices. Dale Butland is a longtime Democratic strategist and was chief of staff to the late Sen. John Glenn, and he speaks for Ohioans Against the Deceptive Prescription Ballot Issue.