It's the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and many of us are in the thick of preparing for Thursday's big dinner. You may already be chopping onions and pulling that turkey out of the freezer. Or maybe you are searching online for a completely new recipe to try this year.

On Tuesday's "Sound of Ideas," we'll spend the hour talking all about Thanksgiving cooking and holiday memories with four local food and beverage connoisseurs. They'll bring some delicious samples to the Idea Center studio and answer any cooking questions listeners might have for the big day -- such as whether to bake or fry your turkey, and what cocktail can be paired with cranberry sauce. Join us for our annual "Sound of Ideas Friendsgiving" show.
-Mono Bun, Chef & Owner, Phnom Penh
-Jeanette Bun, Phnom Penh
-Ricardo Sandoval, Chef & Owner, Fat Cats
-Jossi Rivera, Owner, Jossi's Bakery
-Timothy Baxter, Owner, Baxter's Speakeasy