The desk belonging to Ohio's Sherrod Brown in the U.S. Senate Chamber, Desk 88, was assigned to many who shared his progressive values, senators who carved their names inside the desk -- a senate traditions -- and made their mark on the nation. Brown spent more than a decade researching them and writing his new book, "Desk 88: Eight Progressive Senators who Changed America." On The Sound of Ideas, Senator Brown joins us to discuss his book and examine the legacies of George McGovern, Robert F. Kennedy, Hugo Black and other progressive stallwarts of the senate. We'll also get his take on the house impeachment hearings before talking with local political experts on how they're unfolding and where they're likely to lead..
-US Senator Sherrod Brown, Author, Desk 88: Eight Progressive Senators Who Changed America
-Danielle Sarver Coombs, PhD, Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Kent State University
-Tom Sutton, PhD, Professor of Political Science, Baldwin Wallace University
-Matt Cox, Founder & President, Capitol Partners