How does fair trade help women and children in Central America and other developing parts of the world, and how are fair trade products being sold in Northeast Ohio? We'll discuss on The Sound of Ideas ahead of the Ohio Fair Trade Teach-in and Expo Saturday at John Carroll University. Later, a Clevelander from Liberia went back home and built the first school in his remote village. Isaac Monah tells us about the Dougbe River Presbyterian School. And, a new book explores Cleveland in 50 maps.
Ohio Fair Trade Teach-In and Expo
Dougbe River Presbyterian School of Liberia
-Chrissy Stonebraker-Martinez, Co-Director, InterReligious Taskforce on Central America and Colombia
- Laura Potter-Sadowski, Store Manager, One World Shop
-Rachel Jewell, Fair Trade Partner, Threads Worldwide & Member, Ohio Fair Trade Network
-Laurie Moormann, Board Chair, Dougbe River Presbyterian School of Liberia
-Isaac Monah, Founder and Executive Director, Dougbe River Presbyterian School of Liberia
-Dan Crissman, Editor, “Cleveland in 50 Maps” & Associate Publisher, Belt Publishing