The acclaimed prison movie Shawshank Redemption, filmed in Mansfield Ohio at the Ohio State Reformatory, turns 25 this year and its enduring message of hope is sure to bring many fans to the area for this weekend’s anniversary events. The Plain Dealer’s Mark Dawidziak joins me on The Sound of Ideas to talk about his own 25 year journey with the film, which is the subject of his new book. Later, we'll bring you part of a discussion coordinated by ideastream's health team on what we can learn from Case Western Reserve University's Youth Risk Behavior Survey and how we can act to help young people.
Finally, Sonya Prior-Jones updates us on Fab House, a vacant home in Glenville being repurposed into a technology learning space.
Shawshank 25th Anniversary events
From Risk to Resilience: Teen Risk Behavior conversation
-Mark Dawidziak, Television Critic, The Plain Dealer & Author, “The Shawshank Redemption Revealed: How One Story Keeps Hope Alive”
-Sonya Pryor-Jones, Chief Implementation Officer, The Fab Foundation & Founder of Fab House Cleveland