As the nation mourns, and prepares to say a final farewell to our 41st President, we reflect on his life, and his legacy. Former President George H.W. Bush is being rememberd for his graciousness and honor. And in death, he offers our divided nation the rare chance to come together, for a moment of unity. Then, many are moved to give to others during this holiday season. But as the rush of the holidays accelerates, consumer experts say it's important to take the time to research before you open your wallet. Plus, lawmakers in Columbus are fast approaching the end of the legislative calendar.
For More Information:
FTC Tips to Avoid Holiday Scams and Donate Wisely
- Thomas Sutton, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science, Director Community Research Institute, Baldwin Wallace University
- Senator Rob Portman, (R-Ohio)
- Jon Miller Steiger, Director, Federal Trade Commission, East Central Region
- Sue McConnell, President & CEO, Better Business Bureau, Serving Greater Cleveland
Karen Kasler, Bureau Chief, OPR Statehouse News Bureau