Congress is manuevering to avoid a government shutdown with a Republican-backed stopgap that has a huge enticement for Democrats -- six years of funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program. A vote is expected today on the continuing resolution, which would keep the proverbial federal lights on through mid-February. But many Dems, and some Republicans, still oppose the temporary spending bill. Then, how did a Cleveland-area man hack into computers over a 13-year period, as alleged in a federal indictment, stealing vital information and spying on victims? And how can you protect YOUR privacy?
Jessica Wehrman, Washington Correspondent, The Columbus Dispatch
Jonathan Witmer-Rich, Associate Professor of Law, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
David Frattare, Director of State Investigations/Ohio ICAC Commander, Cuyahoga Prosecutor’s Office
Patrick Wardle, Cyber Security Researcher, Director of Research, Synack