Health insurance coverage for more than 200,000 children in Ohio and nearly nine million nationwide is threatened as Congress delays taking up the issue. The Children's Health Insurance Program has drawn bipartisan support since its inception 20 years ago. Why hasn't funding renewal sailed through? Later, Big Tobacco is fessing up in court-ordered ads, including an admission that cigarettes are intentionally designed to sustain addiction. How did these so-called "corrective statements" come to be, and what impact will they have?
John Corlett, President and Executive Director, The Center for Community Solutions
Dr. Nazha Abughali, MD, Chairperson, Department of Pediatrics, MetroHealth
Jeff Stephens, Government Relations Director, American Cancer Society Action Network
Micah Berman, Attorney, Cancer Control Program, OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center
Mark McKenzie, Associate Creative Director, Brokaw Ad Agency