It's hard for new mothers to explain: having a baby is such a joyous event, they know. So why do they feel so depressed? Postpartum depression is not uncommon. One study says 1 in 7 new moms experience it and doctors recommend screeneing, either immediately after childbirth or just before. We'll hear a firsthand account from a new mom and discuss the difficulties of accessing proper treatment, on The Sound of Ideas.
Dark Side of the Full Moon: Link to rent or buy the documentary
Univeristy Hospitals Women's Mental Health Services
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 1-800-273-8255 (Open 24/7, able to call anonymously)
-Ida Lieszkovszky, Freelance Writer
-Dr. Jaina Amin, Psychiatrist and Co-Program Director, Women's Mental Health Services, University Hospitals
-Maureen Fura, Writer & Filmmaker, Dark Side of the Full Moon