The spiraling opioid crisis claims more lives every hour, every day. Now a new documentary by the BBC focuses in on the crisis by highlighting the struggles that Avon Lake--like so many other communities like it--face daily. We'll talk to the BBC reporter who made the audio and video documentaries. Plus we'll hear from Avon Lake's mayor about efforts to stem the epidemic. Then we'll discuss what a rule "clarification" means for Northeast Ohio's preschools and the funding they receive.
India Rakusen, BBC, Reporter, Assignment: Addicted in America
Greg Zilka, Mayor, City of Avon Lake
Elizabeth Newman, President, CEO, Center for Families and Children
Marcia Egbert, Senior Program Officer for Human Services, Gund Foundation
- Listen: Assignment: Addicted in Suburbia
- Monday
- September 5
- 6pm
Watch: Smack in Suburbia
Read: BBC Magazine Feature