Cleveland's music scene has been up in arms since it was reported that the city would be enforcing an 8% admissions tax causing fans and club owners to worry about the future of the industry. To make matters worse, an outdated zoning law led people to believe that amps would be unplugged and replaced with acoustic-only instruments. The Cleveland City Councilman embroiled in this affair says it's all a big miscommunication. Also, a recent research study shows that while there aren't many working in the industry, the image of a starving musician may be exaggerated. Join us for a discussion on the role of Rock and Roll in the city where it was born on Tuesday at 9am on 90.3Iryna Lendel, PhD, Asst. Director, CSU Center for Economic Development
Tom Schorgl, President, Community Partnership for Arts and Culture
Sean Watterson, Owner, Happy Dog
Joe Cimperman, Cleveland City Council Member
Colin Dussault, Local Musician