Imagine being bipolar since the age of 17 but avoiding treatment for years despite a nearly successful suicide attempt and relationships shattered beyond repair.
Then imagine becoming a professor of psychiatry, an author of best sellers and co-author of the standard medical textbook on bipolar disorder.
That's the story of clinical psychologist Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison.
She describes her own profound mood swings and how her marriage survived them in a new memoir, Nothing Was the Same. She writes: "At times he was others bewildered or cooly distant." Jamison joins host David Molpus Friday 9AM to discuss how her late husband handled her illness and what others touched by bipolar disorder can learn from their experience. Kay Redfield Jamison, Professor of Pyschiatry, John Hopkins University School of Medicine & Codirector, John Hopkins Mood Disorders Center
Terri Miller, Program Coordinator, NAMI Greater Cleveland
Kay Redfield Jamison: Living with Bipolar