In this week's episode, we learn the conclusion to President Donald Trump's impeachment process. We also here his State of the Union address.
Plus the reporter who took us to the location where the coronavirus began is now being quarantined. How can you stay healthy in the winter? We've got a few tips!
Finally, for President's Day, we learn all about Ohio native Warren G Harding in this episode's "Know Ohio."
quarantine (verb) to keep a person or animal in place alone after they have been exposed to an illness
genome(noun) an organisms full set of genes, or genetic material, that determines how an organism grows
prohibition (noun) a ban on making and selling alcohol
This week we learn about Trump's State of the Union address. We want you to give us your "State of the School." It doesn't have to be as long as Trump's speech but should include at least one topic that is important to your school.
You can use the inbox form to submit your great letters.
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