This week we learned about some cool robots helping people in different ways. What kind of robot would YOU invent?
Madden, Elmhurst Elementary: If I would make a robot I would make it to where its a mobile nurse so when a nurse is on break or doing something else they can send the robot to a specific patient and deactivate them and go back to the patient.
Owen, Greentown Intermediate: If I were to invent a robot, it would help people [even major leaguers!] play baseball. For intance, if your family was busy, you could just turn the robot on, and it could pitch to you, play catch with you, and you could pitch to it! How cool would that be! I LOVE baseball and I know a lot of other kids do too. My baseball season just ended but I still love to pratice! That is why if I could invent a robot, it would help you play baseball.
Brody, Ella Canavan Elementary: I would make a robot that could pick up scraps and garbage from beaches so animals don't die eating garbage which could kill them but we need animals to breath and it also hurts plants. We need all this stuff to breathe so that is why I would invent a robot to clean up beaches!
Mar"Laisha , Elmhurst: My robot will produce money so it can donate to the people in need, also to donate to the children's hospital, and to the adults who are really sick and have diseases. All you would have to do is put paper in the robot and it will produce money in it and money would come out. And that will help a lot of sick children, adults, it will also help people in need, and companies.
Abby, Monfort Heights Elementary: If I invented a robot it would be named house hunter because it would scan the world and if anybody was homeless it would buy them a home or if there is no homes for sale it would build them a home and give them some money.It would be helpful because everybody will have a home and each year less people would die of starvation a year.