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NewsDepth Inbox: Season 48 - Episode #6

NEWSDEPTH QUESTION OF THE WEEK:  In this week’s episode, we watched a story that teaches us to think about walking in someone else’s shoes.  Tell us about the life of one of these shoes.  What do they do, how to they feel?

Kylie, Botkins Elementary:  Once there was a tennis shoe, who was the owner of a girl named Rachel. She was the fastest girl on the track and field team and there was this really big race coming up. She trained day after day. When the race finally came, she gave it her all and she got first place. Now the shoe is just in the back of her closet, hoping to be used again.

Rachel, Parkside Elementary:  I am like a blue tennis shoe.  I love sports, especially games like soccer, tennis, and of course, kickball. I also enjoy classic games like cops and robbers, tag, and so many more I can't even count them. I am a very outdoor, sporty girl. And, even though it's not sporty, I also like watching News Depth!

Logan, Madison Avenue Elementary:  I am going to write about the boot.  It has seen the world’s biggest cowboy shoe and it has been to a high school in Ohio. It has heard information about other cowboy shoes and what they were through and what they saw and what they heard.  The main part is that the boot puts its other boot friends first and then he puts himself last so that is a kind and loving boot.

Grace, Buckeye Intermediate:  There once was a shoe that was blue, small and sad because it was not a different color. The kid wanted a different color but that color was all sold out so the kid bought him. The boy wore him all the time until he stopped putting him on.  He was sad and then he got thrown away. The next day he was in the trash.

Mackenzie, Bruce Elementary:  I chose the tennis shoe to tell what they do and how they feel. The tennis shoe wakes up and goes for a morning run. Then she eats a big pancake for breakfast.  After her breakfast she gets on the bus. Then the tennis shoe goes to school. For lunch the tennis shoe has mini corn dogs with an apple and a slushy. At recess the tennis shoe has to run and hide from some mean shoes. Other shoes just stand by and laugh at the tennis shoe.   The shoe goes to social studies, science, and math. She gets on the bus and goes home. At home she does her homework, then eats dinner. She gets a shower then reads for an hour. After she is done reading she goes to bed. She dreams about living in a world without the mean shoes chasing her.