The topic of equal pay even made it to the White House last week on equal pay day.
President Obama designated a new national monument in Washington D.C. to honor the movement for women's equality. The new Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument will protect the house that has served as a headquarters for the National Women's Party since 1929.
And at an equal pay roundtable, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton met with some of the world's best athletes, including the U.S. women's soccer team. She touched on the issue of gender bias in society.
Now, bias refers to the tendency to believe that some people or ideas are better than others and usually results in treating some people unfairly. While, implicit biases are attitudes that are activated involuntarily -- sometimes fueled by stereotypes of beliefs passed along by parents or peers or even things we see on TV.
Instructional Links
Website: The Sewall-Belmont House & Museum
Slide Presentation: American Association of University Women, The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap
Website Article: The White President Obama Signs the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act