The phrase "illegal alien" will no longer be used by the Library of Congress.
Now you might think of outer space when you hear the word alien... But it's actually defined as a person who was born in a different country and is not a citizen of the country in which he or she now lives.
The Library of Congress will no longer refer to undocumented immigrants as "illegal aliens." the organization will now use "unauthorized immigrants" or "non-citizen" for these people. The library calls these words more precise and less offensive. This comes after students at Dartmouth College called for the change. Those behind the change are now calling on media outlets and politicians to follow suit.
Instructional Links
Website: Library of Congress
Website Article: Clever Researcher: What Is a Subject Heading? Why Should I Care?
Website Article: College of San Mateo Library, Subject Headings & Classification Systems
Encycopedia Article: World Book Student, Alien