Did you know an estimated six billion emojis are sent every single day?
An emoji is a small digital image that's used to express an emotion or idea in electronic communication. They're so popular that oxford dictionaries declared emoji the official word of 2015.
Now, there's some research showing that some emojis might not be the best representation of females. Fifty-four percent of girls between the age of 16 and 24 said that girl emojis only represented a limited range of female interests. Girls who participated in the study said the princess, manicure and hair cut emojis gave a limited picture of all the things girls are able to do today -- some girls said they would love to see a girl lifting weights or playing soccer.
The study also found that nearly 70% of girls who participated feel the available female emojis imply girls are limited in what they can do.
This Week ’ s Survey: Do you use emojis when you communicate digitally?
After you vote, we've got a challenge for you.
This week, we want you to use your creativity. Think of an emoji that describes a feeling that you would like to share -- and design it. Mail us your design or take a picture and attach it to your email. We'll share some of your ideas on the next show.
Instructional Links
Website: Copy Paste Character, Emoji Set http://www.copypastecharacter.com/emojis
Magazine Article: Scholastic Math, We Emojis!, February 15, 2016 http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mih&AN=112713752&site=eds-live&authtype=cookie,ip,custuid&custid=infohio
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