Over the last 50 years, Cleveland has lost about half its tree canopy due to development and disease. Experts say our tree coverage should be at least 30 percent; instead we're at 18% and falling. This statistic is worse in east side neighborhoods, like Central, which has only 6.5% tree canopy coverage.
Trees are a critical piece of our community: They make neighborhoods healthier and safer; add economic value to homes and businesses; help meet environmental challenges; and give us all a stronger connection to nature that improves mental health.
What can be done to ensure our City meets its ambitious goal of 30% tree coverage by 2040? Right now, a collaboration of public, private, and community stakeholders have been working to advocate for funding, policy changes, and public awareness of the importance of rebuilding the urban forest.
Samira Malone
Director, Cleveland Tree Coalition
Krystal Sierra
Director of Neighborhood Sustainability, Slavic Village Development
Divya Sridhar
Manager of Climate Resiliency And Sustainability, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress
Rich Cochran
President & Chief Executive Officer, Western Reserve Land Conservancy