MUSICIAN RAYMOND TOWLER: We share a story of mistaken identity that kept a man incarcerated for 29 years for a crime he didn’t commit. We find out how Towler managed to emerge from prison not bitter and angry, but rather, as a musician thanks to the Ohio Innocence Project and the Columbus Dispatch.
A SOLDIER'S STORY: The current exhibit at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, Violins of Hope, has brought to light how music provided a measure of comfort to Jewish prisoners during the horrors of World War II. One U.S. Soldier was among the first to help liberate Dachau Prison, the original compound built by the Nazis to hold, torture, and exterminate the inmates. That soldier also became a victim of those atrocities, by carrying what he experienced inside that camp with him for the rest of his life.
AN ECO-FRIENDLY SCOOTER: We introduce you to a sculptor-turned-mechanic who has an ecological conscience. You’ll see how he built a rather unusual vehicle that gets nearly 100 miles per gallon by using the carbon monoxide of other vehicles to run.