A newly-named species of spider was found living in Australia!
It's a tarantula-like golden trapdoor spider. Scientists named it the euoplos dignitas [you-oh'-plus 'dig-nih-tahs].
Let's pretend that you just discovered a new spider or insect. What do they look like? And what name would you give them?
And we would love to see some drawings too if you’re feeling creative!
My bug is called blue spider. It has 3 legs that can stick to anything, it is really fury, but it is poisonous. The color is blue. It eats spiders. It is 7 inches tall and 7 inches wide. It has wings, so it can fly really high. The wings help it fly away from dogs and cats.
— Vaishnavi, Whitney Elementary
Dear NewsDepth,
The bug I would create would look like a tick' but it would be the size of a hornet. Also it would be poisonous ' and it would live in the jungle and its prey would be rats and spiders and they would live in hives and their predators would be snakes.
— Corbin, Rushwood Elementary
Dear NewsDepth,
My new bug would be yellow and it would have pink spots with orange feet. It can have 2 black spots on its head for safety too. I would name it the sunshine bug because I love the sun. That is would my bug would look like and that is what I would name it.
—Heidi, New Bremen Elementary
Dear NewsDepth,
I think it would be cool if we discovered a new insect that can help with illnesses, It would look a bit like a butterfly mixed with a beetle, and the bug would make fumes that doctors can use to cure cancer, and the bug would not be harmful to humans and other species.
— Hope, St. Gabriel School
Dear NewsDepth,
If I were to create a bug it would be called crit. It would latch onto rocks and consume the nutrients from them. It would also build small nests on the insides of rocks. They are very friendly and wont bite humans. They can even be pets!
— Ryan, Gilles Sweet Elementary