In this week’s episode, The House of Representatives has elected a new speaker.
The Philippines has vowed to defend its territory on the South China Sea.
Space junk? That can’t be good for the atmosphere.
And we hear about the vibrant traditions of Dia De Los Muertos.
Due Diligence (noun): Research and analysis to explore all possible scenarios and outcomes of a decision.
Shoal (noun): An underwater sandbank or rocky formation that can often pose navigation hazards for ships and boats.
Archipelago (noun): A large group, or chain, of islands.
Stratosphere (noun): Layer of the Earth’s atmosphere extending to about 32 miles above the Earth’s surface.
You know what really ruins a hike for me? When I come across a pile of trash that someone dumped illegally.
People in Nevada are fed up with illegal dumping outside of Las Vegas.
For our write-in question this week, we want to know what you think: why is littering bad?
You can submit their answers online through our inbox form.
Activists in Japan are trying to save 100 year old Ginko trees from a city approved plan to cut them down to make way for two new skyscrapers.
A resident of Tokyo says: “It's not fair to push through a redevelopment plan without properly consulting citizens.”
Our poll for this week is: should residents get a say in city development?
You can vote between: yes, people’s voices matter. or no, officials know best.