In this week’s episode, storms in California bring rain, flooding, and snow.
Planes are grounded nationwide, because of a computer outage.
Is ballet a sport? Doctors and dancers think so.
And we visit Zygote Press, for a lesson in printmaking.

Debris (noun): The remains of something that was destroyed
Physical Therapist (noun): A health professional who cares for someone’s disease or injury with exercise,massage, heat therapy, or other forms of treatment
Printmaking (verb): Any process that transfers an image from one surface to another

Storms have relentlessly ravaged communities in parts of California. One community is devastated because the storm knocked down a tree hundreds of years old.
For our write-to-us this week, we want you to: Tell us about a landmark in your neighborhood.
Think about what object or feature is unique to where you live. it could be a building, sculpture, or a tree like the story we just saw. And extra points if you snap a photo too!
You can use the inbox form to submit your answers.

You can choose between: “of course!” or “hmm, it’s not quite a sport.”
Some people might not see a connection between ballet and football, but a physical therapist at University Hospitals in Cleveland knows just how similar dancers and football players are.
In this episode, we learn about how the Cleveland Ballet treats their ballet dancers as athletes to help them protect their bodies from injuries.
For this week’s poll, we want to know: Should ballet be considered a sport?