The Ohio Senate has sent to the House two controversial abortion bills. One involves abortion reversal, a practice that is not backed by mainstream medical professionals.
The other subjects doctors to steep penalties for failing to deal with aborted remains in a particular way.
State Sen. Peggy Lehner (R-Kettering) says women can reverse a two-step medication abortion by taking progesterone instead of a second pill. She says her bill requires doctors to tell women about it.
“This legislation simply gives women information on an alternative choice if they change their mind and want to continue their pregnancy," Lehner said. "Women who are facing a crisis pregnancy are under tremendous stress and will go back and forth. They will waver as to whether or not an abortion is the right choice for them."
State Sen. Nickie Antonio (D-Lakewood) noted that doctors call the procedure junk science and add it is unfair to require doctors to talk about something that isn’t medically sound.
“This bill has severe unintended consequences that we will be dealing with for years to come,” Antonio said.
The Senate also passed a bill that mandates doctors report if a fetus isn’t completely destroyed via abortion and requires them to preserve it or face penalties.