Just days before PBS premiered the latest Ken Burns documentary, “Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies,” ideastream hosted a special preview screening of the series. Before the screening, a panel discussion took place in the Westfield Insurance Studio Theatre at the Idea Center in Playhouse Square. The discussion focused on the ethics of cancer research, care and treatment.
Panelists included:
Barbara Daly, PhD, RN, FAAN – Director of Clinical Ethics at University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve School of Nursing
Anne Lederman Flamm, JD – Department of Bioethics at Cleveland Clinic and Director of e-Ethics Cleveland Clinic
Stan Gerson, MD – Director, University Hospital Seidmen Cancer Center and Director, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
Chirag Shah, MD – Radiation Oncologist, Summa Health System
Angelo Merendino – Photographer and Cancer Documentarian
Civic Commons ideastream host and producer, Andrew Samtoy, moderated the discussion before introducing the film.
You can watch all four parts of “Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies” online now.