The community service organizations didn't require today's confirmation that Ohio's unemployment rate topped the seven percent mark again - to detail how regional families are struggling.
Leadership of a dozen agencies met at the Cleveland Food Bank for an informational roundtable with U.S. Senator George Voinovich, sharing suggestions, but also, like St. Vincent Hospital CEO Jeff Jeney, sharing frightening stories of need.
JEFF JENEY - CEO, President St. Vincent Charity Hospital
"Patients are choosing not to come to the hospital. They're having conversations with their doctors to talk them out of elective surgeries, and they are continuing to make those choices between pharmaceuticals and food."
The Senator spoke of his days as Governor of Ohio and as Mayor of Cleveland, comparing those tough times with the current crisis.
He told the social leadership that steps must be taken to help not only their 'regular clientele', but those who are facing difficulty - for the first time.
"They've come on bad times, not eligible for some of these programs and we have to reach out to make sure that we respond to their needs."
While asking for help from Washington, most participants also agreed with United Way President Michael Benz, who said it will take more than just 'wanting'. to make things better.
K. MICHAEL BENZ CEO, President- United Way of Greater Cleveland
"When we had Katrina, or God forbid, 9-11, the country came together and 'BAM'. Well, it's now a national, if not an international crisis.
And the panel wants everyone aware, and working, before the impact - is overwhelming.
Rick Jackson, 90.3.