Conservative groups and some Republican lawmakers are re-introducing a bill that would mandate Ohio’s school children be taught about what they consider to be highly important historical documents. Republican State senator Tim Grendell is the sponsor.
"Through the legistlation we're going to reassign one unit, or 120 hours, of social studies, set aside exlusively for American History and American Government which will include 60 hours of classroom instruction that will deal with the Northwest Ordinance, The United States Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and The Ohio Constitution."
Grendell also says the bill does not, at this point, align with the state mandated proficiency tests but he hopes it will in the future. Backers of this legislation say they’ve been trying to pass it for nearly eight years now but believe with a conservative majority in the legislature and new members on the state board of education, it will be easier to get this bill passes this time around.