Financial responsibility was the topic at Woodland Hills Elementary Tuesday.
Woodland Hills Students (shouting): "Saving."
Students got to try out the fiscal education program MoneyAndStuff.
The web site,, and study guide was developed by the Ohio Credit Union League and is available free to all Ohio schools.
The curriculum includes games, quizzes and activities for students from kindergarten through high school. Credit union league outreach director Laura Busque played one game with students that involved guessing the prices common and not-so common things.
Laura Busque: "If you wanted to buy a lama, it's Two Thousand dollars, but that doesn't include feeding or cleaning."
A state mandate requires all Ohio high school teach financial skills by 2010. State senator Lance Mason said MoneyAndStuff will help solve problems beyond the classroom.
Lance Mason: "It's very important that we learn about financial literacy. We lead the nation in bankruptcy; we lead the nation in foreclosures. There are actually more bankruptcies in Ohio than all degrees combined almost two to one ratio."
The program can be found on the web at
Kymberli Hagelberg, 90.3.