Marixa Lasso got a message from the American embassy in Panama City this week. Her American husband James Raden says it wasn't very complicated.
James Raden: They just said "The visa was ready." That was it!
The normally pro forma renewal of her American visa had mysteriously taken three months, causing Case Western Reserve University to cancel her fall semester classes in Latin American History. The U.S. State Department has a policy of not discussing individual cases, so the reasons for the lengthy delay and the sudden renewal of the visa may never be known -- but, it comes after students and faculty members began a mass letter-writing campaign to the local Congressional delegation, last week.
Since Lasso had been planning to make another research trip to Panama in the Spring, the Case History Dept has arranged to count this unexpected stay as her sabbatical in order to keep her on the payroll. In the meantime, Raden is making preparations for a reunion.
James Raden: I haven't seen her in... it's been several months. So, it'll be great to see my wife.
David C. Barnett, 90.3.