After the shootings at Sandy Hook and in San Bernardino gun sales soared. Just ask Diane Donnett, owner of the Stonewall Gun Shop and Shooting Range in Broadview Heights.
"Gun sales go up when somebody starts talking about taking away your right to own a firearm," she said. After those shootings, Donnett said President Obama's calls for new gun control legislation actually motivated people to buy more.
Yet despite a spike in gun stocks after the mass shooting in Las Vegas, some area firearm businesses say they don't expect to see any impact – positive or negative – on gun sales. Now that Trump is in the White House, said Donnet, "no Executive Order is going to come into play where we might have had to worry about if Obama or Hillary Clinton were in power."
Kim Rodecker, who runs a firearms training class in Cleveland, agrees.
"We joke around a little bit, but we say he's the best gun salesman there's ever been," he said. Unless Trump starts calling for new gun control laws, Rodecker said, he doubts gun businesses will see much of a bump.
But speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Trump suggested a willingness to discuss gun control legislation, saying "we'll be talking about gun laws as time goes by."