Museum play day
The Cleveland Museum of Art welcomes families to connect through creativity with a Play Day on Saturday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. This free event includes a giant light bright, rainbow dance floor and opportunities to create scratch art. Visitors can also draw a kaleidoscope design and see how its patterns look when reflected.
Mother’s Day at the McKinley
Moms get free admission to the McKinley Presidential Library & Museum in Canton on Saturday. It also happens to be Science Saturday from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Learn about prehistoric creatures that lived in Ohio from the Devonian period to the Ice Age. Along with crafts and activities, the museum will display some of its fossils, which are not usually on view. There's also astronomy-themed programs in the Hoover Price Planetarium throughout the day.
Strange cinema
Comedian Zachariah Durr, host of the former “Big Bad B-Movie Show,” presents cinematic oddities with the Zachariah's Strange Cinema series Saturday night. Durr chooses a different theme every month tying together everything from silent films to cheap ‘90s VHS rentals. This month's theme is OddBall Outer Space. Doors open at 8 p.m. at the Wizbang! Theatre in Cleveland Heights.
The gift of music
The WCSB Record Fair returns on Saturday with a twist. Along with stacks of wax and other musical memorabilia for sale, the day concludes with a staff talent show featuring nine different acts. Doors open at noon at the Foundry in Lakewood.
Rubber ducks in Chagrin Falls
It's not baseball, but rather the 4th annual Rubber Ducky Race this Saturday at 9 a.m. in Chagrin Falls. Watch 3,000 ducks (or "duckies") float down the river, under the bridge and over the falls Downtown. Each duck is stamped with a number and visitors can adopt one before the race. You could even win prizes or cash if your duck is one of the first three to cross the finish line.