Please vote for one of the following five stories by (1) sending an e-mail to or (2) calling the WCLV Contest Line at 1-800-343-WCLV (9258) and leaving a message. The winner will be announced on WCLV Monday, Dec. 13 at 7:20 a.m. and posted here. Your candidates:
- Bee, the queen bee found without wings in Scotland, who became a pet to her owner, Fiona, who kept her in an enclosure of blossoms so she could easily feed;
- The camel (speed 40 mph) who escaped from a live Nativity scene in Bonner, Kan., and who outran officers who tried to chase him on a golf course in a golf cart (speed 14 mph). He was eventually taken into custody by lasso;
- “Monkey Face,” the cat who was returned to her owner recently in San Antonio, Tex., after being missing for six years;
- The judges of a camel beauty contest in Saudi Arabia, who ejected dozens of camels whose owners had artificially enhanced their animals’ lips, heads, and muscles, in a crackdown to “halt all acts of tampering and deception in the beautification of camels”;
- A pet wallaby in Washington State, who, while on a trip to the feed store with its owner, locked the owner out of the car with the keys inside, necessitating a call to the Fire Department.