The Gruca White Ensemble was formed in April of 2013 as part of The Music Settlement's Centennial Celebration, and became Artists in Residence for the vibrant community music school the following year. Classical guitarist Robert Gruca and flutist Linda White offer an entirely new concert experience by alternating the best of the flute and guitar repertoire, their own arrangements of latin, jazz, and rock tunes, and short impromptus - improvised jams in a variety of styles that will make you want to join in.
On this episode of First Fridays, the Gruca White Ensemble joined WCLV's Angela Mitchell in the KeyBank Studio.
Bartok: Romanian Folk Dances
Masamitu Takahashi: Homage to the Harvest Moon
Chick Corea: Spain
Carl Dimow: Dreams of Yesterday and Tomorrow (from Klezmer Suite)
Dusan Bogdanovic: Songs and Dances from the New Village
Peter Green: Black Magic Woman
The duo has two upcoming concerts:
Wednesday October 19, 2016 12:00
Brownbag Concert at Trinity Cathedral
2230 Euclid Ave, Cleveland
Sunday December 11, 2016 1:00
Children's Concert at the BopStop
2920 Detroit Ave, Cleveland