CHAGRIN FALLS, Ohio -- The Chagrin Documentary Film Festival will screen 76 films during its seventh annual event October 5-9 at venues in and around Chagrin Falls. The selected documentaries represent the work of filmmakers from 24 countries and focus on a wide range of thought-provoking topics.
Tickets go on sale September 1 at
Multiple festival winners have been nominated for Academy Awards, while the festival itself has been named one of Movie Maker Magazine's Top 50 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee for the fourth year in a row. The magazine credits festival staff with drawing in local interest groups to related documentaries.
John Gadd serves on the board of the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival. He spoke with WCLV's Jacqueline Gerber.
For more information, contact: Chagrin Documentary Film Festival at 440-247-1591 or at
View Festival trailer: