The mission of Arts in August is to expose the people of Tremont, Greater Cleveland and Cuyahoga County to the beauty and positive influence of the arts, free of cost!
The four presenters include three nonprofits and a City Councilman; a true collaboration of unique partners. The four partnering presenters aim to specialize in building community in both the social and physical realms. Tremont West, LAND Studio, Cleveland Public Theatre and Councilman Kerry McCormack hold values in community and know the value in bringing the community together.
Cathleen O’Malley is the Director of Audience Engagement and Media for Cleveland Public Theatre. She spoke about the Arts in August Festival in general, and about CPT's STEP program specifically.
2016 Schedule of Events:
Cleveland Public Theatre' s STEP on Friday, August 5th at 7pm
Cleveland Shakespeare Festival on Saturday & Sunday, August 6th and 7th at 7pm
Inlet Dance Theatre on Thursday, August 11th at 8:30pm
GroundWorks DanceTheater on Friday, August 12th at 8:30pm
Verb Ballets on Saturday, August 13th at 8:30pm
Paul Ferguson, artistic director, leads the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra (CJO); presented in partnership with Arts Renaissance Tremont on Friday, August 19th at 7pm
Cleveland Opera Theater on Saturday, August 20th, 7pm
Tony Mikhael's Crew on Friday, August 26th, 7pm
Papo Ruiz Y La Dulzura de la Salsa on Saturday, August 27th, 7pm